Featured in Woothemes showcase

Just for once I’m writing in English. I noticed that the guys over att Woothems put this blog in their showcase library. I’m flattered. Or do they just put in any Woothemes bases WordPress installation?

With my five minutes of fame on the showcase frontpage and in the RSS feed I think should write a short message to the visitors about the modifications I’ve done to the theme in case someone is curious.


If you ever visited stopdesign.com or simplebits.com you see were inspiration comes from. Dan and Douglas are however designers and I just and html and css amateur. Gruber over at Daringfireball uses the same way of combining links and posts in the blog, which I like.


I’ve use the Typebased theme by Woothems and then modified it quite a bit. I’ve added different styles to the post categories (blog, link, quotes, images) in the CSS. The link externally on the blog title I’ve added stuff to the functions.php and another peace of code for doing the same thing in the the RSS feed.

Ask questions in the comment field if you like, or find me on Twitter or via email. The menu, footer and archive page is still not finished.

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